Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz: Which House Are You In?

what house am i in harry potter

Luna Lovegood, with her ethereal aura and unorthodox views, epitomizes Ravenclaw's essence. Her unique perspective on magical creatures and unyielding curiosity mirrors the house's commitment to intellectual exploration. Ravenclaws are not just bookish; they are visionaries who seek to unravel the mysteries that elude the less inquisitive minds. As you embark on this journey to discover your wizarding identity, know that this Harry Potter house test is a tribute to the magic that J.K. So, answer the questions honestly, and let the Sorting Hat reveal your true house, just as it would at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Immerse yourself in the enchanting universe of Harry Potter as you embark on a journey to uncover your Hogwarts house.

What do the 4 houses of Hogwarts represent?

The Malfoys are terrible, true, but they really do love each other. Narcissa Malfoy even decides to place her love for her son above her devotion to Voldemort in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by lying to the Dark Lord's face. She's never going to be Harry's friend, but she'll lie about his very-much-alive status in a critical moment if it means saving her son from death on the battlefield.

Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Slytherin exalts the sort of calculating intelligence and ambition found in Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, and, most infamously, Lord Voldemort. Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. In fact, out of all the houses Hufflepuff has produced the least number of dark witches and wizards. The badger is the symbol of this house, the colours are yellow and black, the Head of House is Professor Pomona Sprout and the common room can be found near the kitchens in Hogwarts. Harry Potter, the quintessential Gryffindor, encapsulates this spirit.

The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Over several weeks, we recruited hundreds of Harry Potter fans to take this survey on behalf of 20 different characters from the books, five from each House. The tens of thousands of data points we gathered gave us a detailed portrait of how different personality traits correspond to the personalities of members of each of the four Houses. Our Harry Potter House Quiz is not just any ordinary quiz; it's inspired by the legendary Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz. Rowling's wizarding world, has set the gold standard for sorting fans into their rightful houses. Pottermore, now known as Wizarding World, offers a deep dive into the magical world of Harry Potter, making it an invaluable resource for Potterheads worldwide.

Which Hogwarts House Do I Belong In?

The biggest difference between the four houses is that the founders have different enrollment criteria. Only the founder of Slytherin disagreed with the other three on whether to recruit Muggle-born students. Gryffindor and Slytherin have long had a rivalry, but that does not mean the Houses are at odds with each other.

After commenting how the Pottermore House Test was "very in-depth" in a 2016 Pottermore video, Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) revealed that he was sorted into Hufflepuff! "It wasn't what I was expecting, but that's really clever. Yeah, I love that." So, we’ve put together a quiz that’ll show you which Hogwarts house you particularly belong in. Just don’t fight us if you get Hufflepuff when you feel you’re a Slytherin at heart.

Why Take the Hogwarts House Test?

Everyone has their opinions, but all houses can have “good” and “bad” witches and wizards in them. Your palms are sweaty, your legs are shaking, and your heart pounds in your ears with each step toward the famous relic. This hat will decide your fate, determining which Hogwarts house you’ll be in.

Hogwarts Legacy: Which House Would You Be In According To Your Zodiac Sign - Screen Rant

Hogwarts Legacy: Which House Would You Be In According To Your Zodiac Sign.

Posted: Sat, 06 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

what house am i in harry potter

Kindness and warmth are the first impressions you bring to others. Also, your pure heart and friendly attitude help you make friends and gain a reputation. You are not willing to be a Mr. or Ms. Nobody, you have clear and ambitious objectives, and you love people truly. One of your best traits is your initiative to pursue your dreams, but you are not keen on chasing fame and fortune.

Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In? Stats & Insights updated in 2024

That's not to say your Scorpio friend who likes true crime podcasts is a wannabe Death Eater — they're just not automatically freaked out by the concept of evil. Consider Snape, who was once a teenager experimenting with dark curses. His brush with malice ultimately enables him to save the wizarding world. The symbolic animal is a lion, and the representative colors are red and gold. Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and other outstanding wizards all graduated here.

We all have our opinions on which one we particularly belong in and, unfortunately, we can only ever really guess because the Harry Potter world isn’t real. As a whole, Gryffindors were thought to get on best with Hufflepuffs, whereas Ravenclaws were thought to be quite friendly with Slytherins. There were certain exceptions, however, such as Harry's friendliness with Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood, both from Ravenclaw, as well as Cho's relationship with Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff.

• The Gryffindor house colours are red and gold and are connected to fire. The Sorting Hat would only put you in this house if you demonstrated excellent wisdom, wit and a skill for learning. Ravenclaws are often known for being quite eccentric and most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from this house. If you're a Hufflepuff, you probably have a deep sense of empathy and compassion for the people around you, and consistently look out for the underdog. Ravenclaws might be known for their intelligence, but being a part of this Harry Potter house is much more than just being smart. They're also witty and can think on their feet, even when challenges arise, but that also means they can be so wrapped up in their own minds they ignore the needs of others.

Just as the Hogwarts houses organize the vast spectrum of human personality into four categories, so too does the zodiac break people down into discrete groups. Join us as we unite "Harry Potter" and horoscopes to find out the answer to that starry-eyed question. Every person with even the most passing acquaintance with the "Harry Potter" franchise has pondered what Hogwarts house they'd be sorted into, were they a denizen of the wizarding world. Gryffindor — home to Harry himself, the Weasley family, and Albus Dumbledore — is a popular choice, defined by valor and chivalry. Ravenclaw appeals to the brainier among us, like Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander, and Professor Flitwick. Hufflepuff is represented by hard-working individuals with a strong sense of fairness, including Cedric Diggory, Teddy Lupin, and Newt Scamander.

This Quiz Will Determine Which Hogwarts House You Belong In, Once And For All - BuzzFeed

This Quiz Will Determine Which Hogwarts House You Belong In, Once And For All.

Posted: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Slytherin House is all about ambition, and even though this Harry Potter house has produced dark wizards like Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters, being a Slytherin isn't synonymous with being evil. They're dedicated to achieving their goals, and show serious persistence on the way to their end goal — even though sometimes that includes manipulating the people around them to get there. Each house has its own characteristics, values, and color palettes, and all four houses compete for the Hogwarts House Cup at the end of the school year. Even though finding out someone's Harry Potter house has become as common as asking someone about their Myers Briggs personality type, it's actually easy to put yourself into the wrong house. If you want to figure out where you fit before the new Harry Potter series hits Max, pour yourself a glass of pumpkin juice and read up on the Harry Potter houses — and why the stereotypes about them are wrong.

The Sorting Hat, when selecting a Slytherin, seeks the seed of greatness and the shrewdness required to seize opportunities, even in the shadows. The Ravenclaw common room, located in a tower on the west side of Hogwarts, is a celestial haven adorned with azure and silver. The air is filled with the energy of intellectual discourse, and the shelves groan under the weight of ancient tomes and magical artifacts. Here, in the company of like-minded intellectuals, Ravenclaws find inspiration and solace in the pursuit of knowledge. Ravenclaw, founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, beckons those with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and an intellect that yearns to explore the uncharted realms of magic and beyond. The Sorting Hat, when selecting a Ravenclaw, sifts through the depths of a student's mind, seeking the spark of curiosity and the thirst for wisdom that sets them apart.

For Hufflepuff, the Sorting Hat seeks more than just the outward display of diligence or a friendly disposition. It probes the depths of a student's character, searching for the quiet resilience, unwavering loyalty, and an unassuming work ethic that defines Hufflepuff house. Loyalty is a key element, and the Sorting Hat looks for individuals whose bonds of friendship are unbreakable, who would stand by their peers through thick and thin. Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff luminary, exemplifies these qualities. Beyond his external charm, Cedric radiates a loyalty that transcends competition.

what house am i in harry potter

• However, famous Hufflepuffs include Newt Scamander and Helga Hufflepuff – one of the greatest witches of her age! If you're a Hufflepuff, then you value hard work, patience, and justice. Even though traits like hard work and kindness can be overlooked, they're an essential part of any society's success. This Harry Potter house is all about loyalty and friendship, and members are known for their generous spirits, even when someone has wronged them — but that doesn't mean they're pushovers.


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